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Tutoring / Enrichment

Whether your child is struggling to keep up or just craves more knowledge, Tayler'd Education can take your student from where they are to the next level.


Learn more by clicking the "services" tab above. 

Kindergarten  Readiness

The rigors of today's kindergarten are often unknown until students begin to struggle.  In Texas, young children are expected to be reading, writing, and making computations couched within complicated story problems. Tayler'd Education can help get your child get ready to tackle these milestones, in a fun and non-stressful way.  


Learn more by clicking the "services" tab above. 



Crafternoons are small art sessions scheduled just after school for a fun transition between school and home(work). Give yourself an extra hour to finish up errands or to have coffee with friends. Crafternoons make great play dates for elementary school students. Just say, "I'll see you crafter school!"  


Learn more by clicking the "services" tab above. 

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Use the above CONTACT tab to start a discussion! 

How else might Tayler'd Education help you?

Share your needs and ideas with us! 

Use the above CONTACT tab

to start a discussion! 

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